John M Rodway’s Tales From Knottewithought Junction

  • John M Rodway’s Tales From Knottewithought Junction: The Disaster

    John M Rodway’s Tales From Knottewithought Junction: The Disaster



    In a model railway world, brakevans have no brakes at all – so a breakaway can spell big trouble… The afternoon branch freight from Wempole had stopped at Knottewith Magna to pick up some wagons. The signals were cleared, and the guard waved the ‘Right away’. However, as the train passed his ’box, the signalman…

  • John M Rodway’s Tales From Knottewithought Junction: The Beast of Knottewith Sidings

    John M Rodway’s Tales From Knottewithought Junction: The Beast of Knottewith Sidings



    The sun rose suddenly over the Valley of the River Knotte. In this part of the county there were never any gloriously unfolding dawns or magic transitions through twilight to calm dusks. It was either bright day or dark night, and had been like this for as long as anyone could remember. There were three…

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