Heritage Railway

  • Brexit Busting Dash to Rescue Heritage Railway Carriage

    Brexit Busting Dash to Rescue Heritage Railway Carriage



    “Because of the uncertainty over what border controls might be implemented we didn’t particularly like the idea of smuggling a railway carriage across the border.”

  • Hudswell Clarke Works 0-6-0 No.1700 ‘Wissington’

    Hudswell Clarke Works 0-6-0 No.1700 ‘Wissington’



    Wissington seen here at Brockford Station on the Mid-Suffolk Light Railway, sent in by Chris Allen.

  • BR Standard Class 4MT 4-6-0 No.75078

    BR Standard Class 4MT 4-6-0 No.75078



    Chris Allen sent in this pic of 75078 departing Keighley on the Keighley and Worth Valley Railway.

  • Unrebuilt BOB Bulleid 34072 ‘257 Squadron’

    Unrebuilt BOB Bulleid 34072 ‘257 Squadron’



    Ben Broomfield sent in these great photographs, check out his story of the unrebuilt BOB Bulleid 34072.

  • Your Gallery | 45596 Bahamas at Langliffe

    Your Gallery | 45596 Bahamas at Langliffe



    Tom Noble sends his photograph of Jubilee 45596 ‘Bahamas’ with just her second Railtour, ‘Bahamas Railtour 2’ powering up the grade past Langcliffe.

  • Your Gallery | 35018 British India Line

    Your Gallery | 35018 British India Line



    Ken Abram sent in this great picture as 35018 British India Line waits for the road at Preston.

  • Your Gallery | BR Standard Class 4 2-6-4T 80097

    Your Gallery | BR Standard Class 4 2-6-4T 80097



    Alan Spencer sent in this magnificent photograph of BR Standard Class 4 2-6-4T.

  • Remembering hero driver John Axon

    Remembering hero driver John Axon



    THE Bahamas Locomotive Society organised a civic reception at Stockport town hall to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the 1958 BBC broadcast of the Ballad of John Axon. The broadcast was an iconic production, way ahead of its time, written by folk singer and writer Ewan MacColl and arranged by his partner Peggy Seeger.  John…

  • Pioneering WSR Bagnall steams again on Tyneside

    Pioneering WSR Bagnall steams again on Tyneside



    A LOCOMOTIVE which worked on the West Somerset Railway in its early years has returned to steam after 11 years. Bagnall New Standard 18 class 0-6-0ST No. 2994 Vulcan, more recently known as No. 401 Thomas Burt MP, is now based at the North Tyneside Steam Railway, and was steamed on January 17 for the…

  • Meenglass return boosts Derry railway revival hopes

    Meenglass return boosts Derry railway revival hopes



    County Donegal Railway 2-6-4T No. 4 Meenglas returned to Derry during snowfall after a £45,000 year-long cosmetic facelift at the Railway Preservation Society of Ireland workshops at Whitehead. It will now be displayed again outside the Foyle Valley Railway Museum at a new, more prominent location beside Letterkenny Road, in an attempt to attract visitors.…

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