Search results for: “4”

  • 64C Dalry Road shed – an inspiration to modellers

    64C Dalry Road shed – an inspiration to modellers



    Ian Lamb recalls his fascination with the former LMS ‘Jubilee’ 4-6-0s that were no strangers to Dalry Road (64C), a sub-shed of Edinburgh’s St Margaret’s Depot, and one whose layout is well worth modelling. Nowadays our lives seem increasingly to be dominated by sport. If it isn’t football, it’s tennis; if not athletics, cricket, even…

  • Caley Blue 419 adds Broadway to English tour

    Caley Blue 419 adds Broadway to English tour



    Caledonian Railway 0-4-4T No. 419 has added the Gloucestershire Warwickshire Railway’s Cotswold Festival of Steam to its biggest-ever tour of England. No. 419 will star in the May 25-27 festival alongside another blue guest, GWR 4-6-0 No. 6023 Edward II from Didcot Railway Centre. A third guest will be B1 4-6-0 No. 1260 from the…

  • No. 134 overhaul gathering pace at Inchicore works

    No. 134 overhaul gathering pace at Inchicore works



    THE overhaul of the RPSI’s GM single cab Class 121 No. 134 by Iarnród Éireann-Irish Rail is making rapid progress at Inchicore, as the old body platework is stripped back in readiness for replacement. The RPSI’s project manager Gerry Mooney describes the overhaul as “the biggest diesel restoration ever undertaken in Ireland”, and it is clear…

  • County of Montgomery group aiming for £40,000 with driving wheels appeal

    County of Montgomery group aiming for £40,000 with driving wheels appeal



    THE Churchward County Trust (CCT) is hoping to build on the success of its first year by launching a new ‘Forty 4-4-0s Club’ to raise the £40,000 required to cast the four coupled wheels for new-build GWR 4-4-0 No. 3840 County of Montgomery.  All the platework required to assemble the main frames is cut and ready…

  • Severn Valley ‘4MT’ returns to front-line service

    Severn Valley ‘4MT’ returns to front-line service



    Riddles ‘4MT’ 4-6-0 No. 75069 officially entered traffic at the Severn Valley Railway over the weekend of February 16-17.

  • Your Gallery | Battle of Britain 34072 “257 Squadron

    Your Gallery | Battle of Britain 34072 “257 Squadron



    Battle of Britain Class 34072 “257 Squadron” departs Swanage.

  • Your Gallery | BR ‘5700’ 0-6-0T No. 7714

    Your Gallery | BR ‘5700’ 0-6-0T No. 7714



    BR ‘5700’ 0-6-0T No. 7714 passes Northwood Lane on the Severn Valley Railway.

  • A4 Sir Nigel Gresley signs up with Saphos Trains

    A4 Sir Nigel Gresley signs up with Saphos Trains



    GRESLEY A4 No. 60007 Sir Nigel Gresley will spend the next 10 years on the main line working Saphos Trains’ railtours. The engine’s owning group, the Sir Nigel Gresley Locomotive Trust (SNGLT) and the Royal Scot Locomotive & General Trust (RSL&GT), have an agreement, which will see the Pacific operate as part of the Crewe-based…

  • BR Standard Class 4MT 4-6-0 No.75078

    BR Standard Class 4MT 4-6-0 No.75078



    Chris Allen sent in this pic of 75078 departing Keighley on the Keighley and Worth Valley Railway.

  • Unrebuilt BOB Bulleid 34072 ‘257 Squadron’

    Unrebuilt BOB Bulleid 34072 ‘257 Squadron’



    Ben Broomfield sent in these great photographs, check out his story of the unrebuilt BOB Bulleid 34072.

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