CONTINUING co-operation between West Coast Railways and The A1 Steam Locomotive Trust means Peppercorn ‘A1’ No. 60163 Tornado will make its debut on the ‘Great Britain’ landcruise train in 2020.
The 13th edition of the Railway Touring Company’s grand tour of England, Scotland and Wales will roll out of London King’s Cross behind the ‘A1’ on April 17, the first of eight days of main line steam.

No. 46115 Scots Guardsman will take over at York for the run via Newcastle to Edinburgh; the rebuilt ‘Scot’ recently returned to action after overhaul at Carnforth.
Day two should bring photographers out in force as Stanier Pacific No. 6233 Duchess of Sutherland heads north via the Forth Bridge, Perth and the Highland Main Line to Inverness.
Read more in the October 2019 issue of The RM – on sale now!