Progress continues on RMM’s N-scale St Ann’s Cove project by hacking out the central landscape section from polystyrene batons and then putting together a few more buildings, including a scratch-built ‘Harbour Lights’ fish restaurant.

Now that the stable-block model room where our ‘St Ann’s Cove’ layout is situated has decent lighting and heating, progress has resumed with the initial shaping of the second landscape section, which will be revealed in its fully landscaped glory next month.
Work on the layout was impossible while the electricians were getting on with the job, so we took advantage of the spare time by constructing a few more model buildings.
As you can see from the photos, the N-scale kits from Metcalfe and Petite Properties complement each other extremely well, and we should have a really nice little seaside village by the time we’ve finished.
The new landscaped scenic section will incorporate a small campsite, a narrow road leading down from the hills and a stream emptying into the inner harbour as a waterfall. A road bridge will also cross the far end of the inner harbour.
The sturdy Petite Properties buildings are a joy to put together and, being unpainted, allow the modeller to apply any kind of finish he or she chooses – but bear in mind that in N scale, the camera will expose every blemish, so a very light touch, a steady hand and
lots of patience is advised.
For the full article and to view more images, see the February 2019 edition of Modelling – available now!
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