Steam nostalgia and railway history at its best, Steam Days is the monthly magazine dedicated to all steam railway enthusiasts.

With Rex Kennedy as editor, he has 80 years of railway memories to recollect, alongside the stories and tales retold by many of the contributors.
Steam Days covers the six regions of British railways in each edition; Western, Southern, London, Midland, Eastern, and Scottish, with the occasional article on Irish railways and the industrial scene.
Packed with fully illustrated articles, Steam Days covers the history of the railways of Great Britain from the early days of the 1800s through to the end of steam on British Railways in August 1968.
The new November edition of Steam Days includes…
Hayling Sunday afternoon
Sixty years after closure of the Hayling Island branch in November 1963, Andrew Britton recalls a 1960 trip on this much loved railway from the mainland at Havant and through to Hayling Island, a popular beach destination.
The Stour Valley line: station by station
A 43-mile long single-track cross-country route, Stanley C Jenkins takes us west from Marks Tey, through Chappel & Wakes Colne, Sudbury, Long Melford, Haverhill North and a host of quieter stations through to the Cambridge main line.
STEAM DAYS in Colour – 227: Glasgow suburban south and east and into Lanarkshire
Unlike south-side services from the heart of Glasgow to the Clyde coast and East Kilbride, those reaching places such as Hamilton, Law Junction, Mossend and Shotts were relatively sparse, often with a peak hour and lunchtime pattern of operation.
‘Claughton’ to ‘Patriot’
The first two Fowler ‘Patriots’ were nominally rebuilt Bowen Cooke ‘Claughtons’ but, as Andrew Wilson explains, little of the original L&NWR 4‑6‑0s actually remained.
Kemble: Junction for Cirencester and Tetbury
On a photographic voyage of discovery, Chris Gordon Watford recollects a 1954 visit to Kemble and its two branches and reveals some of the back-story of the junction station and all of its routes.
And there’s lots more inside! If you’d like to read the November issue of Steam Days, it is available to order here; alternatively, reap the benefits with a subscription and have it delivered straight to your door every month.