Steam nostalgia and railway history at its best, Steam Days is the monthly magazine dedicated to all steam railway enthusiasts.

With Rex Kennedy as editor, he has 80 years of railway memories to recollect, alongside the stories and tales retold by many of the contributors.
Steam Days covers the six regions of British railways in each edition; Western, Southern, London, Midland, Eastern, and Scottish, with the occasional article on Irish railways and the industrial scene.
Packed with fully illustrated articles, Steam Days covers the history of the railways of Great Britain from the early days of the 1800s through to the end of steam on British Railways in August 1968.
The new August edition of Steam Days includes…

Douglas to Peel: Station-by-station
The first public railway on the Isle of Man, 150 years have now passed since the Douglas to Peel route opened, and nearly 55 since it closed – Andrew Kennedy takes us along the line through a series of views spanning 1873 to 1968.
Image: L T Catchpole/Jane Kennedy Collection

STEAM DAYS in Colour224: West Country milk traffic via the Southern
Starting out from as far west as Torrington and including two depots on the Somerset & Dorset route, we consider BR (Southern Region) milk deliveries to London, and the return empties.
Image: R N Smith Collection

Heading for the Scottish hills
With a passion for walking and for recording locomotives hard at work, A G S Davies was naturally drawn to the more testing territory of western and northern Scotland, with these memories centring on his Scottish rail travels between 1960 and 1964.
Image: T B Owen/R N Smith Collection
And there’s lots more inside! If you’d like to read the August issue of Steam Days, it is available to order here; alternatively, reap the benefits with a subscription and have it delivered straight to your door every month.