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Railway Hub regulars can’t have failed to see the huge media attention paid to Flying Scotsman as the locomotive reaches its 100th anniversary of entering service.

And if you want to find out so much more about perhaps the world’s most famous steam locomotive, Mortons Media, publisher of Britain’s leading monthly railway titles plus scores of bookazines and books, has publications ready to read right now.
The several titles available cover different aspects of the locomotive and its long and legendary life.
Flying Scotsman Travelogue, by Heritage Railway editor Robin Jones, looks at the East Coast Main Line between London King’s Cross and Edinburgh Waverley – known as the route of Flying Scotsman.
The locomotive hauled the London & North Eastern Railway’s first King’s Cross to Edinburgh non-stop express in 1928, and it was the first steam engine in the world to officially break the 100mph barrier.
Other publications include Flying Scotsman, by rail journalist Brian Sharpe, which explores the full history of the famous engine, and Clash of the Steam Titans, which includes some of Scotsman’s more recent exploits since restoration, comparing it with ‘newcomer’ Tornado.
It’s now been 100 years since Scotsman entered service and there are plenty of events in 2023 to celebrate this landmark… but we thought you might want some ideal reading material to make sure you know all there is to know about this great British icon!
Browse our selection of Flying Scotsman titles via www.classicmagazines.co.uk/search?q=flying+scotsman