TBF has set up two new charitable funds, one each for the rail and bus sectors, in order to help those working on the front line of the public transport industry have suffered during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The rail sector memorial has been set up with full agreement from the family of Belly Mujinga, the station staff employee who sadly lost her life to the virus. Belly, a TBF member, was a frontline worker who, like so many other staff in the rail industry, sadly faced threats and abuse whilst doing her job.
Belly’s story highlights the difficulties rail staff workers face on a daily basis.
TBF is a great supporter of rail employees and for many years has sponsored the Station Staff category at the annual Rail Staff Awards.
The £6,000 donated to TBF from the Rail Staff Awards annual charity raffle for the past two years, will be available to help rail staff workers, who are not TBF members, affected by COVID-19.
There is also a Virgin Money giving page, search TBF – Belly Mujinga Memorial where money can be donated exclusively for this cause.
If you are a rail staff employee who has been affected by COVID-19 and would like to apply for assistance, please get in touch with TBF by emailing [email protected] quoting Belly’s Memorial Fund.
The bus sector memorial fund, Run For A Bus, is in aid of London bus workers. A charity fun run through the streets of London raised over £10,000, and will be ring-fenced to support London bus workers and their dependants, who are not TBF members, and find themselves in need, hardship and distress due to the coronavirus.
TBF members who find themselves in need, hardship or distress, no matter what the reason, can access the full range of benefits by also emailing [email protected]