GRESLEY A4 No. 60007 Sir Nigel Gresley will spend the next 10 years on the main line working Saphos Trains’ railtours.
The engine’s owning group, the Sir Nigel Gresley Locomotive Trust (SNGLT) and the Royal Scot Locomotive & General Trust (RSL>), have an agreement, which will see the Pacific operate as part of the Crewe-based Locomotive Services Ltd (LSL) fleet.

The SNGLT’s marketing director Tod Slaughter said the agreement provides a wide-ranging agreement, which will come into effect when the 4-6-2’s heavy overhaul, currently underway in The Works at the National Railway Museum in York, is completed, and the engine is given its main line certificate early next year.
The ‘Streak’ is based at LSL’s Crewe depot and will be incorporated into Saphos Trains main line programme, sharing duties with resident locos Royal Scot, Britannia, Braunton and The Sherwood Forester, operated by Locomotive Services (TOC) Limited.
Read more in Issue 251 of HR – on sale now!